Tuesday, October 11, 2011

When "Spin" Gets Stupid, It's Time To Stop...

So here is the liberal HuffPost/AOL take on the Democrat controlled senate shooting down Obama's "jobs" bill:

"WASHINGTON — United against Barack Obama, Senate Republicans voted Tuesday night to kill the jobs package the president had spent weeks campaigning for across the country, a stinging loss at the hands of lawmakers opposed to stimulus-style spending and a tax increase on the very wealthy."

What makes that stupid (a trademark of Huffington Post) is that the ONLY way the bill could "die" is if Democrats vote against it, because they are the majority. Since the bill died in the senate, that means several Democrats voted against it - THEY killed it. Of the 100 senators, 57 are Democrats, yet a half dozen voted against it, and another - Harry Reid, himself - changed his vote to "nay".

Yes, Republicans were opposed to the bill - and correctly so. But they did not kill it. The Democrats did that all by themselves.


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