Saturday, October 22, 2011

"Chicks With Guns"...

On HuffPost/AOL I found a story about a new book entitled "Chicks With Guns", a picture book of tons of women sporting their firearms. I thought it was really cool. But apparently, some elitists in their ivory towers do not agree. One stated that it flies in the face of "our vision of the maternal instinct".

WHOSE vision, dare I ask? Certainly not mine. Elitist, anti-gun nuts may think it is unseemly or unsettling to see Chicks With Guns, because their concept of the maternal instinct is warped (kind of like their shock and repulsion at discovering a woman who is a conservative, or pro-life). There is no stronger maternal instinct than to protect your children and family. And in the real world, that means being prepared to use deadly force. Just try using a make-up brush to inflict deadly force and let me know how that works for ya!

My mother owned guns, and was proficient in their use. So, too, my wife, who had been in the army, and was raised in rural Maine in a time when people who did not hunt did not eat. And both my daughters are comfortable with their own rifles and handguns. They are also proficient in archery, and one is very good at knife throwing. The other is a black belt in karate.

When the "maternal instinct" requires they stand between their family and any threat, they are well prepared. They will survive.

And I think that is just SO cool!


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