Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Who Would Have Guessed - New Problem Found In Health Care Law ...

Fresh from the headlines -- "AP NewsBreak: A twist in Obama's health care law President Barack Obama's health care law would let several million middle-class people get nearly free insurance meant for the poor, a twist government number crunchers say they discovered only after the complex bill was signed."

Gee whiz! Who would have guessed that the health care law was secretly designed to bankrupt America?

Here is the real story, as yours truly sees it...

First, Socialists make no secret about wanting to bankrupt America. George Soros, the money man behind it, has said so outright. The reason --- only by bankrupting America can the socialists gain complete control. When people are panicked, they will sign on to just about any empty promises. Panicked people signed on with Hitler, Mussolini, Napoleon...

Progressives are "modern" socialists who do not want to wear the stigma of the socialist label. Hillary admitted to being a Progressive. And so has Obama. And Pelosi.

ObamaCare is the single biggest boondoggle and drain on our resources in the history of this country. The bill, itself, was drawn up by the Center for American Progress (the Progressives) in the '90's. They waited until they controlled both Houses and the White House before wheeling it out. And it is, indeed, designed to bankrupt us.

And that's not all. The liberals (progressives) fully understand that, in order to bring America to a socialist state, more than 1/2 of the citizens must be made dependent upon the government. Currently, 47% are. And ObamaCare will guarantee many more.

You see, when more people are collecting than are paying in (whether as government employees or on some entitlement program like ObamaCare), they have a vested interest in keeping the goodies coming. And that means the rest of the folks will get drained more and more, to pay for more and more people getting on the dole.

Look at it this way - almost 1/2 of all WORKING Americans pay ZERO taxes. None. So they don't care if the taxes go up - it will not affect them. However, if the taxes DO go up they figure they can now get MORE benefits. So, they vote for more taxes.

And the wealth that is generated by those who actually work and contribute is siphoned off and redistributed to those who do not contribute.

So now you can see the connection between the liberals' yen to redistribute the wealth, and why. It gives steam to the socialist movement, which, by it's nature, is designed to bankrupt our country. So the George Soros types can pick up all the marbles.

Our one hope is to elect a president, senators and representatives who will 1) get rid of ObamaCare, and 2) find better, more effective (and less socialist) ways to reduce health care costs.

We already have the best health care in the country. It's only problem is the high cost. And that can be dealt with easily, and without turning 1/6 of the entire U.S. economy over to the power-mad clowns in Washington.

Stop and think. Since the Progressives gained control, the unemployment rate skyrocketed to over 9% IN SPITE of $800 billion in stimulus. And the stimulus, itself, helps bankrupt us. And all these new regulations from the Labor Board, EPA, FCC and even by presidential Executive Order have ALL helped squelch business and economic growth. And the FED keeps devaluing the dollar by printing more fiat money. Have YOU seen anything at all to suggest things are getting better? Why not, after 4 years of recession (recessions usually last about 18 months)?

The socialist/Progressives are licking their chops...

Think about it. Hard. And when election day comes, think about it again...


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