Sunday, June 19, 2011

Jon Stewart Finally Loses It...

Jon Stewart was interviewed this morning by Chris Wallace, Fox News Sunday. During the interview, he stated, "Who are the most misinformed viewers? Fox News viewers. By every poll."

I keep up with most polls, and I have not seen one that says Fox viewers are the most misinformed. On the contrary, all polls seem to indicate they are the best informed. In fact, two separate exit polls at the polling booths in 2008 asked people a number of questions concerning the people they voted for. They were then asked which media they get their news from. Fox News viewers got an average of 82% correct, the highest by far. In second place was CNN with barely 51% correct answers. The real losers were NBC, MSNBC and the New York Times - those poor folks only got an average of 18% of answers correct. And they are far-left media.

We realize you are a liberal, Mr. Stewart. But even you should have enough honesty to tell the truth, and not, as Sarah Palin says, "Make stuff up."

I personally check out all sources, from Limbaugh on the right, Fox in the center and Huffington Post on the left, and everything in between. Rush Limbaugh sticks ONLY to the right. HuffPost obviously ONLY to the left. The ONLY sources I have found that give both sides reasonably fairly are Fox, CNN & the Wall Street Journal - and Fox is generally quicker to report, and more thorough. They were the first (and in many cases the only) media to report the ACORN scandal, the Planned Parenthood scandal and the NPR scandal. Since those are all leftist organizations, is it any wonder liberals hate Fox?

I think the reason liberals such as Stewart don't like Fox is because they fully realize that the WHOLE truth will hurt their agenda. They do not want people to know the whole truth - only the part that puts the liberal agenda in a good light.

I like knowing the whole story. That is the only way to make good decisions. Fox gives me both sides (except Hannity, who is intentionally on the right).


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