Saturday, June 25, 2011

How To Win The Debate For "Make-Believe Rights"...

In New York, four so-called "Republicans" voted for gay marriage, making it the law in that state.A last-minute convert to support gay marriage, Sen. Mark Grisanti (R-Buffalo), gave the bill its fourth Republican backer.
"I cannot legally come up with an argument against same-sex marriage," Grisanti said during floor debate. "Who am I to say that someone does not have the same rights that I have with my wife, who I love, or to have the 1,300-plus rights that I share with her."

According to Huffington Post, "The people at Stonewall went wild. Grisanti had recognized the logic of the phrase "marriage equality": Marriage was simply a right, one that no legal gymnastics could take away."

And that is the problem with electing idiots to office who do not even comprehend the difference between a "right", a "priviledge" or a "benefit".

Marriage is not a right, because you must be licensed to marry, and pay a fee. Just like driving, which is also not a right. Both are priviledges. And with those priviledges come "benefits", but no "rights". There are no "rights" because not everyone has them - only married persons, or those in a civil union. Single people do not have those benefits, so they are not "rights".

Once more - a RIGHT is something everyone is born with; it is always free; it cannot be licensed or purchased; it cannot be legislated in or out of existence. A PRIVILEDGE can be licensed, charged for, restricted to certain people, and you are not born with it. A BENEFIT is something that you often get by negotiation, such as collective bargaining, insurance, an employer funded 401K, sick pay - or spousal benefits.

But gay advocates, and those wanting to legalize drugs, or those fighting for the ability to enter collective bargaining insist on calling them rights, even though they are not. They figure that by calling them rights often enough, the masses will eventually think of them as rights, and once that happens, the battle is half won because no one wants to be guilty of taking away someone's "rights". That would be unAmerican.

And that is how liberals push their agenda on the rest of us. They change the language and control whart we believe by controlling the conversation. With word games. Semantics.

If you doubt that, take a moment to recall that to them, illegal immigrants are "undocumented workers". Abortion is simply "pro-choice". Homosexuality is "gay pride". Environmental terrorists who burn peoples homes and businesses are "environmental activists."

Whenever liberals want to push an unpopular (and usually immoral) agenda, the first thing they do is change the language in order to change people's perceptions. And once perceptions are changed, winning is much easier.

Don't be taken in by people who change the language in order to stack the deck. It's time we begin refusing to let them control the conversation and the debate through trickery and deceit. If they cannot win honestly, they should not win at all.

Now that we finally understand how it's done, whaddaya say we get together and lobby for our "right" to live tax free. After all, 47% of all workers pay zero taxes. So, according to liberal thinking that means they have a right we do not have. And we should demand equal "rights".

Of course, that will never happen because we are not as dishonest as those who fight for "make believe rights."

As a final note - people passing "gay marriage" laws are not thinking about the unintended consequences. It makes it legal for two men to marry, or two women, EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT GAY! Why is that important? Because it allows millions of people to scam the system and dip into the taxpayer's pockets for benefits. Like the two old guys. They are single. Cannot find a good woman. So, they marry, intending only to be roommates - buddies. And collect all those great benefits on the taxpayer's dime.

It is not unlike those who marry just to get a green card to live here, and become a citizen. It's fraud. And in the case of gay marriage laws, there is no way to prove fraud. So, now taxpayers will begin getting soaked even more.


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