Monday, August 15, 2011

Yet Another Example Of The Crude, Uncivil Left At HuffPost...

A news story today about a plane crash in Alaska that resulted in the death of a teacher - one of only three teachers in that small community. Decent human beings would feel sadness, and show some compassion. Some liberals, on the other hand, were posting things like"

Petpetdonna: One less teacher.

juanillegal: I thought it was the onlt [sic] literate teacher in Alaska who died?

servicemasterwv: Only 3 teachers in that town??? that explains the palins

No matter how often I see this sort of mob hatred from the left, and no matter how well I understand that they want to destroy normal, moral values, it still amazes me that GOOD people don't clamp down - hard - on this sort of thing. When did civilized society stop using collective shame and shunning to instill greater civility?

If we are not going to fight for what is right, then what is "wrong" will win out.


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