Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pelosi's "Magic Money"...

Pelosi and other liberal Democrats have said the reason we need to keep extending unemployment benefits is because "every dollar paid in unemployment benefits comes back as $2 into the economy."

According to their "logic", that would mean EVERYONE should quit their jobs, collect unemployment, and that would double the money in the economy and everyone would be fat and happy.

Now I ask Ms Pelosi - does that STILL sound logical? If everyone collects, who would be paying in? Where would the benefits come from? And where would we spend the money - no one working means no products or services available?

It's long past time for Pelosi to retire - she's off the edge. First it was (under Bush) "We are losing 150 million jobs a month". (There are only 160 million jobs in the entire country). Then it was "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it." (We have, and it's worse than anyone thought.) And then it was the magic uemployment benefits - a dollar magically becomes two, without creating any products or services, or adding to the GDP.

Either she is a blatant idiot, or a pathological liar. In either case, there is no place for it in our Congress. We need to retire her.


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