Thursday, August 11, 2011

Flip-flopping? Or was it something else? Why McConnell's position on taxes/Medicare changed...

It isn't very surprising to find out how low Huffington Post/AOL will stoop to push the liberal agenda. Take this headline story from their site:

"McConnell Called For Taxes On Rich And No Cuts To Medicare In 1990 Ad"

At first blush, and to persons of lesser intelligence this sounds like McConnell was more liberal in 1990, and/or that he has "flip-flopped". Nothing could be further from the truth.

First, 1990 was a different time. We were in a boom period, courtesy of Reagan. the ONLY time to even THINK about raising taxes is during good times, as it is less likely to harm the economy. In addition, Medicare was not bankrupting us at the time, and the CBO (which is often wrong, big time) did not think it would get so out of hand. So, 20 years ago, considering higher taxes on the wealthy and no cuts to Medicare MADE SENSE. Today it does not. And therein lies the difference - a difference that ideologically blinded liberals will never see.

A lot of things change in 20 years. 20 years ago I was single - I now have a wife and children. 20 years ago I was broke. I now have financial independence. So, I will see things differently today than I did 20 years ago.

Flip-flopping is when you change your position quickly, and without change in the circumstances. But when you change your position because the facts on the ground have changed, that is leadership.


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