Sunday, March 27, 2011

Why God Lets Bad Things Happen...

An age-old question.

So many people try to "blame" God for tragedies like the earthquake and tsunami that so badly damaged Japan. What is worse is that many of those people are saying God is "punishing" those people for some transgression. They could not be more wrong.

Being smarter than us, God understands that all must die or life cannot go on. If no one died from wars, pestilence, tsunamis etc., the population of the world would already be far too many to be supported by the world's resources, and we would have made ourselves extinct by starvation and thirst hundreds of years ago. God's world is, by design, a world where nothing can live but what something else must die simply because there is just so much sustenance available. Every living thing consumes, so every living thing must eventually be consumed.

Being a good Father, God probably would rather not "pick and choose" which of His children will die today, so He permits the natural course of things to do what it will.

But I think there is yet another reason - I think by allowing nature to takes its course, God provides US with an opportunity to do His work; to show compassion and to choose good over evil. To show Him that we have chosen to follow in the footprints of Jesus. If we are never faced with adversity, we never have the chance to prove our own worth.

Let me ask you - if you never face a really bad situation so good people can come forth to help, how will you ever know who your GOOD friends are? It's a lot like that Christian family we are trying to help (see our post at The way I look at it, that family faces devastation so others can prove to God that they, themselves, are worthy.

Think about that the next time you run into someone in need - will you just walk by?


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