Friday, March 11, 2011

It's Time The Whiners Get Straightened Out

I gotta tell ya, I am just SO sick of the whiners who think they are so badly mistreated when in fact they have it better than most.

Case in point: today I read a post by a Wisconsin Public Union employee. We was pissin' n' moanin' that having to contribute 12% to his own health care was effectively cutting his pay by 8%. Wah-h-h!

So I posted back: "Hey, buddy, I feel your pain 'cuz I understand about having to pay so much in. You see, I am a non-union stiff. Not only do I have to contribute 20% to my own insurance, but I, as a taxpayer have to also pick up the remaining 88% of YOUR insurance. So what are you whining about? You pay 12%, and I have to pay 108% just so YOU can get off easy. And while you are only beginning to pay 12%, I have been paying 108% for YEARS. Stop gripin' and start carrying your own freight. I just can't afford to support your wimpy butt anymore."

Yeh, I'm sick of the whiners. The people who don't even try to seek work and collect rental assistance, heat assistance, food stamps and even cash. They have earned NONE of it, and I have to pick up the tab. Yet THEY are the ones who cry about how badly they suffer at the hands of the "greedy rich". That they don't get another 26 weeks of free unemployment. And listen to them scream if anyone suggests they do some community service in exchange for their free ride.

And then the teachers who have been found to be unworthy of being anywhere near a child. They are no longer allowed in a classroom, but as long as they show up in the Teacher's Lounge every day, they still collect their paycheck, courtesy of Joe Taxpayer - yeah, that's me. And probably you. Yet they complain that they are not getting RAISES like the other teachers! Thank you for that, Public Union - I'm sure you will find a way to include them in the raises.

Oh, and let's not forget the overpaid corporate execs who scream bloody murder because their 10 million dollar bonus was cut to a mere $8 million this year. And the multi-million dollar ball players who cry because they are asked to play an extra two games. Pardon me for mentioning this, but when they were in school they fought to play as often as possible, for free! Now they complain about being asked to have more fun playing for the meager #20 million they are getting paid.

I swear, and it really hurts to have to say this, but a big chunk of America has become a bunch of selfish, whining little brats that never made it out of their "terrible two's". They need a good slap aside the cranium.

Wake up, America. We are showing far too much weakness, and that is not the America that became the most powerful nation on Earth.

If you are a hard-working, moral person who believes in self-dependence and reliance, and you take the blows in stride - KOOL! You are a true American, the kind that conquered every adversity. If, on the other hand you think someone, anyone, owes you anything, and you sit around expecting things to just come to you, I suggest you get off your soft, ugly arse and put your lazy shoulder to the wheel and start carrying your own weight, and do it without bitchin'. Cuz my father was correct when he said, "Son, you are right - the world DOES owe you a living. But you gotta work your butt off to collect."


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