Friday, March 4, 2011

A Surprising Poll --- You Gotta See This...

I must say, I was surprised at the results of a poll that was conducted by NewsMax on a LIBERAL website (yes, I go to a lot of liberal sites so I can get their take on a story). I expected answers that would lean heavily left, but something unexpected happened. Here are the poll questions and the results. The questions are specific and clear:

Do you support Gov. Scott Walker's efforts to reduce the power of public employee unions in his state?

Yes, I support him
440041 (77%)

No, I don't support him
128520 (22%)

Do you believe public employee unions have become too powerful?

Yes, too powerful
437904 (77%)

No, not too powerful
123537 (22%)

Do you believe public employee union members should be paid less, the same or more than employees with similar jobs in the private sector?

Pay them the same
470576 (83%)

Pay them less
66934 (11%)

Pay them more
23889 (4%)

Do you believe President Obama was right when he came out against Gov. Walker?

Obama was right
126512 (22%)

Obama was wrong
434887 (77%)

Do you plan on voting to re-elect President Obama in 2012?

Yes, re-elect
94558 (16%)

No, for another candidate
429692 (76%)

Not sure right now
35762 (6%)

Remember - this poll was conducted on a left-leaning website. And the results are nothing short of a surprise.


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