Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Picture this...

I must say I am more than a little perplexed with Michelle Obama. She is on the "eat right" bandwagon, promoting it nationwide and intimidating the American Restaurant Association and schools. That part I can understand, though I strongly disagree - it is not the government's job to choose what we eat.

But then we discover that she put out a huge, calorie and fat ridden banquet for the Super Bowl. OK, that's a celebration I thought. Once a year. Fine. But now it comes down that while in Vail CO this last week she feasted on ribs at 1400+ calories and 141 grams of fat.

And that is what I don't get - she tells us we have to eat nuts and berries while she's pigging out on ribs and such.

Now, someone did bring up that people who are not overweight, including Michelle Obama should be able to eat whatever they want. But I say we should ALL be able to eat whatever we want - it's a free country. Eating poorly may not be a good thing, but it is our right to choose.

More to his point - even if he were correct, it would appear he has not taken a look at Mrs. Obama lately. She has a caboose that Northern-Pacific would envy, and thighs that could crush walnuts. Frankly, I don't care - she can be as chunky or as slim as she wishes - that is her right. But it is also OUR right!

Mrs. Obama - before you go out stumping for dietary restrictions for the rest of us, you may want to look in a mirror - when you see the next cover of Sports Illustrated in it, then maybe you have a leg to stand on.


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