Saturday, February 12, 2011

Entertaining Theory - Earth, The Intergalactic Penal Colony?


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I spend some of my spare time studying mysteries and developing possible theories that explain them. And the greatest mysteries are those involving how we got here - who are we, where did we come from, what part does religion and/or extraterrestrial activity play in our history? Is there any one theory that could connect ALL the dots into a tapestry that, regardless of its absurdity, actually makes sense?

As many of you know, one of my degrees is in theology - the study of religion. And I have studied some of the oldest texts and writings in the world, going back to the ancient Sumerians, known as the world's first known civilization. I have also studied UFOlogy. So it stands to reason that any theory that would pull all the dots together must be able to explain the beliefs in all things, bringing UFOlogy and religion together with science and historical data. This is one idea I have developed - hope you find it entertaining:

Earth is in one of the youngest parts of the universe. If life exists elsewhere, it is likely to be much older and far more advanced. That is a good place to begin. It is also commonly believed in all ancient texts that the Earth became populated in the beginning by "fallen angels" - beings either with Heavenly (Godly) or extraterrestrial ties, depending on which texts you believe. These creatures were powerful, intelligent and capable of many "Godly" powers. 

Before going further, please note: whether these creatures were delivered by God or some other entity does not in any way preclude the existence of God. Even if all the "angels" and other depictions of the Deity are simply extraterrestrials that humans mistook for Gods, that does not mean there is not still a God that reigns over them as well as us. To put it in perspective, a hundred years ago some primitive civilizations, seeing the white man for the first time, mistook us for gods. That did not mean a true God did not still exist. It merely means they mistook us as gods because we could strike a match to make fire. That said, back to the theory. 

The Earth was young. It was sparsely populated with less-than-intelligent humanoid creatures such as Neanderthal Man. This is something science is relatively sure of. Ancient texts from around the globe tell us that "the gods", or "fallen angels" came to Earth and took unto themselves wives from the indigenous species, creating a new race. This would explain why no "missing link" has been found in the evolutionary chain. So, who or what were these creatures? 

How about this - Earth was an inter-galactic penal colony for the "fallen angels", much as Australia was a penal colony for England. The Australian aborigines thought these convicts brought to their land were gods. . At first, these extraterrestrial "bad boys" were provided with some support from their mother world, allowing them to build the great cities and pyramids that modern science cannot quite explain, like the ancient great cities built more than 14,000 years ago - when Man is generally considered to be little more than cavemen. But eventually the extraterrestrial support waned or was cut off, leaving Earth's inhabitants to fend for themselves with minimal interference. And those great cities fell into decay as the technologies disappeared into antiquity and the fallen ones were cut off from the mother civilization. Since then, Man has spent thousands of years trying to regain the civilization we once new - just as the convicts of Australia spent 200 years doing the same. 

Jesus told us that we are just one sheep in the Father's fold, and that we are the "black sheep." Does this mean that there are many other civilizations in the universe, and that Earth is the "black sheep" because we began as a penal colony? If that is true, then we can see a few things more clearly. That there is a God, but He is not who we think - the ones we worship as god or gods are nothing more than other civilizations under His influence. That the Earth was populated with beings with powers great enough to build great cities, but lost the power to do so because their mother world that got them started left them to their own devices, leading to a disintegrating civilization. That "angels", or "jihn" actually existed, but were nothing more than beings with greater knowledge and powers. That we are the product of a mixing of races. It would explain why, like salmon returning to where they were born in order to spawn, Man keeps trying to reach the stars. It explains great, powerful civilizations that simply disappeared. It explains why there is no "missing link" between prehistoric man and modern man. It would explain UFO's throughout history, perhaps being the "wardens" who oversee the penal colony and sometimes interfere as necessary. 

Think of any mystery of our origin, or UFO's, or religious events and ask yourself - does this not coincide with the theory that Earth may be nothing more than an intergalactic penal colony? Of course, perhaps it is simpler than that. Our own Bible says 144,000 will be "saved" when the end comes. What if those are saved by UFO's? They would then need to be transplanted elsewhere - a new planet. At first we would build big cities, but true to human nature, we would lose certain "arts" with each new generation (can you shoe a horse?), and over a few generations those great cities would fall into ruin as later generations are incapable of maintaining them. A few more generations and we would be quite primitive, and starting all over again from scratch. And a few thousand years later we would once again be looking for ways to travel the stars - to go "home"... 

So, is it possible that our ancestors were the "fallen angels" who were transplants from the last world we came from? After all, some ancient texts do claim that this is the "third world". 

Yeh, I know - such theories are really "out there". But are they really any less likely than what many others believe? Do they not connect the dots?

1 comment:

Pablo said...

Interesting theory my man