Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In Canada A Baby's Death Is Court Ordered - Fast Forward To Obamacare - Death Panels?

The "Affordable (lol) Health Care Act" known as Obamacare is nearly identical in its regulations as the health care system in Canada.

In Canada, a 13 month old baby is dying. The parents want a breathing tube inserted so they can bring him home, give him a few happy months, and then allow him to die at home in dignity.

The Canadian health care system will not allow that. Instead, the government got a court to order the death of the baby, in the hospital, by removing the breathing tube now. In fact, the court ordered the parents to consent to the removal. ORDERED the parents! The parents refused. So now the court is turning custody for making such decisions over to a court appointee.

That's what I call a Death Panel.

The parents, who supposedly have rights, really don't. The government, who has no right to order the death, actually does.

The scary part - Obamacare is almost identical in its granting of decision-making in health issues for individuals. You have the right to make those decisions - except when the government disagrees. Which means you really have no rights at all.


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