Friday, April 16, 2010

Speaking Of Elitist Media...

On CBS Money Watch today they had "experts" telling folks what they should consider using their tax refunds for.

Bear in mind - as a rule, only the lower income and lower middle class would receive a refund.

Yet these "experts" at CBS suggest the folks use their refunds for the following:

A $2700 bicycle, to keep fit
Take classes at a golf school
Put it in a Roth IRA
Buy $170 a bottle champagne
Donate the money to some fave charity

There were other suggestions, ALL of which were absolutely ridiculous, except for one: one woman said she would put the cash where Obama couldn't get his hands on it.

All this goes to further prove that the elitist media are so far out of touch with the real world that any information or "news" from them is unlikely to have any value. They simply are not familiar with real life on planet Earth. They think Madison Avenue and Broadway are typical of streets throughout the country. And when they are confronted by a real person with real values, they call him a "throwback", or some other derogatory term, as they have done with the Tea Partiers.

So here is MY suggestion for THEM - stop writing, stop reporting, stop printing until you take the time to discover real life outside of your cushy little Ivory Tower bubbles.


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