Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Liberal Plan

I have spoken with many folks about the administration's plan to push through a lot of socialist programs like Cap & Trade, Health Care etc. that will greatly increase taxes. And most of those folks, being uninformed, simply say, "The taxpayers will never let them get away with that."

So, let's take a peek at that response. The "taxpayers."

According to the IRS, only half of all families now pay any tax at all. That means half of the folks really do not care if taxes go through the roof, and may even want that to happen so they can reap even more socialist benefits. The people who do NOT pay taxes are the ones who get to collect all the goodies.

That's right - fully half of all Americans are getting a free ride at the expense of the other half. So, why would they not want Cap & Trade? Health Care? Or a host of other social programs they will never be asked to pay for? After all, if you could go grocery shopping and when you get to the check-out you could use your neighbor's credit card, why not? Wouldn't you fill your cart more than ever?

But it gets even worse. Of the half who do pay taxes, 40% of those work in the government at some level - local, state or federal. So, they are paying their taxes with taxpayer funds.

This means that only 30% or fewer are actually paying into the system from the private sector.

Listen up, folks - less than one-third of all Americans have any reason left to care about taxes.

The socialists in America (and now in power) intend to place so many people on the "taking" end of things that those on the "giving" end will be outnumbered when the time comes to vote. And just how many folks can be expected to vote FOR capitalism and free enterprize when they are benefitting from socialism? Who will bite the hand that feeds them? (This is also why liberals support welfare - more people on the taking end who will not vote for any reform.)

We can hope Americans will stand up for what is right, even if it hurts.

But don't count on it - Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the progressives in government aren't counting on it.


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