Friday, March 19, 2010

Things May Be Lookin' Up

Three years ago I began blogging that American voters should seriously consider voting out every single incumbent, if only to teach Congress who is in charge. At first, there seemed to be little interest in such a proposal.

But thanks to the helping hand I am getting from a very corrupt Congress and corrupt administration, polls have just come out that show, of registered voters, the following snapshots have appeared:

78% of Independents are in favor of voting out ALL incumbents
72% of all Republicans are in favor of replacing all incumbents
52% of all Democrats are in favor of dumping all incumbents.

In the coming months, with Congress already stating that they intend to use these same corrupt processes to try and force other unpopular socialist policies upon America, those polls just may get up to 100% by November.

And that would be the best thing that could happen to America right now.

But do not be complacent even if that happens. Remember, the people who actually write the bills and tell their Congressmen how to vote are the Congressional Aides. We should insist that our new Congressmen also replace the aides, as they have considerable power and are not elected into office.


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