Saturday, March 27, 2010

Almost Comical

Well if this doesn't take the cake. For over a year the Democrats were saying that the health care bill was the greatest thing ever, and were taking credit for it. Today is a different story. As America roils and boils over their arrogance, it appears they have decided to start blaming the Republicans for the unpopular parts of the bill. In the lamestream news today, one of the headlines reads that the mandate to force every American to buy insurance was actually an idea by the GOP.

Whatsamattta, Pelosi, Reid and Obama - don't you want to take "credit" for your illegitimate offspring?

Here is the real story. Back in 1991 some moron wrote a paper stating that it might be an idea to mandate all Americans be insured. He passed that on to George Herbert Walker Bush, who liked the idea provided it was accompanied by a tax credit to pay for it (note: the Democrat version just passed does not include such a credit).

Bear in mind - George H.W. Bush is NOT the GOP. He may be a Republican, but like his son he is a progressive Republican - another name for Democrat Lite, or RiNO (Republican in Name Only). And one person does not constitute the GOP - the GOP rejected it outright.

Then the lamestream media points to Mitt Romney, who passed the same thing in Massachusetts with the support of Scott Brown, and they again pin it on the GOP. WRONG! The GOP was against it. And Romney and Brown are not the GOP - they are Massachusetts Republicans, which means they are progressives - Democrat Lite. True conservative Republicans cannot get elected in Massachusetts or Maine.

The point is, if Romney and Brown had been true conservative Republicans, they would never have been elected to any office at all, and Massachusetts would not be going broke trying to enforce their universal health care.

And in no case, ever, did the GOP support any mandate for any citizen to buy insurance. Perhaps some RiNO's like the idea, but then again, there were 16,440 Americans arrested in 1941 for belonging to Hitler's 5th Column here in America. That did not mean they were "average Americans". There are a few nuts in any group.

I suggest to the Democrats who are now so ashamed of this bill that they are now trying to blame it on Republicans that they buck up and face the consequences of their arrogance and stupidity, because the American people, though they can sometimes be fooled, are not fools.


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