Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Constitution Part V

I have always considered this the most important part of the Constitution, because it, alone, sets up and provides the venue for all our freedoms. In spite of that, this part of the Constitution is the most ignored by politicians, judges, and even the people, and is constantly being violated. And that is the single biggest reason we have many of the problems we have today.

Article 4, Section 4 - Republican government

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence."

The founders considered the pros and cons of every form of government. They settled on a REPUBLIC. It is important to note that a Republic is NOT a democracy - the two are not interchangeable, as liberals try so hard to make us believe.

In a Republic, every individual has the same rights and powers, and no one can forfeit those God-given rights at the whim of any other(s). In other words, the majority does NOT rule. If they did, as is the case in a democracy, the majority may then take away the rights of any individual or group if the majority are in favor of doing so. In a Republic, the people are at the top of the Power Chart, the states in the middle and the federal government at the bottom. In a Democracy, prior to its devolution into socialism, the government, by virtue of majority rule, are on top and the people are below it.

Until 1933, every child knew we lived in a Republic, where the individual was king. But in 1933, the most progressive president in American history was placed into the White House, and one of his first devious acts was to stop referring to America as a Republic, and he started calling us a democracy. He used the word so often and so powerfully, that within a few short years the word "republic" was no longer being used, not even in our textbooks. If you ask 100 people on the street what form of government we have, about 99% would say "democracy".

The reason FDR pushed the change is simple - progressivism cannot exist in a Republic, but thrives in a Democracy. In a Democracy, the many can take from the one. The wealthy can be taxed more heavily than others, if that is what the "majority" desires. The government's power would be unlimited, since in a democracy, the majority can do whatever they wish, without regard to the minority.

Which is exactly why the founders specifically cast out "democracy" as a viable form of government. It was Ben Franklin who said every democracy, by its very nature, must devolve into socialism and tyranny. A Republic never can.


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