Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Why People Still Like Obama

It amazes a lot of folks why Obama has any popularity left in spite of all the scandals - there have been about 2 dozen - and despite the current economic mess and the ObamaCare debacle.

It is actually quite simplt - the liberal media helps him to deflect the blame, and Obama, himself, is very good at shifting blame. He creates a problem, then says he is angry that the problem exists and is working tirelessly to fix it. And idiot voters believe him. Some examples:

Although the president is supposedly in charge, "I am going to get to the bottom of Fast & Furious and those responsible will be held accountable". Nope. Never happened. In fact, he gave Holder cover by executive order.

And, "I am going to get to the bottom of this IRS thing and those responsible will be held accountable." Nope. Never happened. In fact, the people in charge of the scandal got promoted.

And, "I am going to get to the bottom of this Benghazi thing and those responsible will be held accountable". Nope. Never happened. No o0ne has ever been held accountable, and Obama gave cover to Hillary, the one who WAS accountable.

And, "This sequester created by Republicans is a bad thing and we must end it." The sequester was, in fact, Obama's idea.

And, "We'll get to the bottom of this ObamaCare website debacle that cost taxpayers 634 million bucks and those responsible will be held accountable." Wanna bet?

As I said, there have been nearly two dozen such scenarios, where the president, supposedly a leader and in charge, feigns ignorance of what is going on, then says he will fix it with no intention of doing so.

And to think, more than half of all voters voted for this guy - TWICE! What does that say about the average American voter? Uninformed. And why are they uninformed? Because they get their news and bogus facts from liberal media.


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