Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Law Of Falling Dominoes - It Has Begun,,,(more)

"Eurozone finance ministers opened the door to using the currency union's bailout fund to buy up distressed Greek bonds, thereby cutting the country's overall debt load as they scrambled to stop the region's debt crisis from spreading to larger economies like Italy and Spain." (AP)

Anyone with an I.Q. of more than one digit could have seen this coming. When the economy of every nation is tied together with a single currency (Euro), when one nation fails, they all get hurt.

If history has taught us anything it is that centralization of ANYTHING is bad news. Centralize currency, you all go broke together. Centralize power, and one monkey wrench can put the entire nation in the dark. Centralize government, and one bomb can wipe out a nation's governing body.

I certainly hope that America is able to learn from history - and from the present situation in the Eurozone, and put a screeching halt to centralization. For the same reason that a monopoly is dangerous, so it centralization. Putting all your eggs in one basket only ensures the destruction of all your eggs if you drop the basket.

For this reason we should abandon the United Nations, decentralize the power grid instead of centralizing it more with the so-called "smart grid", and keep as many things on a local basis as is humanly possible. And communications should not rely on satellites - one good solar flare and we would be crippled.

Progressives and liberals, through the U.N. want us to "merge" with Europe, and centralize everything in a complete redistribution of wealth. The latest push is to pony up $76 TRILLION over the next 40 years to fight poverty in other nations (redistribute America's wealth) and to "eliminate the threat of climate change", which, in itself, is impossible - the climate has been changing every moment since the Earth was formed, and will continue to do so.

I am not suggesting isolationism. What I am suggesting is that we preserve America and what it stands for by remaining different - the very difference that made America Great. It's called "independence".


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