Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Another Dishonest Headline From Huffington Post/AOL...

Today on HuffPost/AOL was the following dishonest headline:

"Tea Party Makes Surprise Endorsement"

The story goes on to say that one lone Congressman, Jason Chaffetz, who was backed by the Tea Party in the last election, was endorsing Mitt Romney for president.

Call me crazy, but just because one person who had the support of the Tea Party is now supporting Romney in no way constitutes the Tea Party as endorsing Romney.

So, according to the HuffPost/AOL bunch, if Joe Blow down at the coffee shop, a good Catholic, should endorse someone, that must mean that the Catholic Church endorses that person, right?

Once again, HuffPost/AOL, in their far-left fervor to spin every political story, has effectively lied to their readers.

The $64 question is, "When will their readers get sick of being lied to?"


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