Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The REAL Reason Trump Is Pulling Troops From Syria

It appears that a majority of pundits, military people, the media, Democrats and even some Republicans are up in arms (pardon the pun) about Trump pulling our troops from Syria, leaving our "friends", the Kurds, at the mercy of the Turks and everyone else.

But here is what Trump knows that all those others may not have considered...

Turkey had already begun to set the stage on their border to invade Syria and squash the Kurds. We know this to be true. If our troops remained, the Turkish army would be firing on them since the U.S. forces would be in their way. And if  that were to occur, our forces would have a choice - either fire back, or just roll over and die with the Kurds. Neither is a viable option, because Turkey is a NATO ally and under the NATO treaty, we must defend other NATO allies. We CANNOT make war against them unless or until they make war with us. 

If faced with the choice of killing Turks or Kurds, we would have no choice - we must, by treaty, side with Turkey, even though they are not our friend. If we were to stay, we would be required to fight on the side of our enemy, and fight against our friend.

Imagine what the media and pundits would say about that!

As much as it pains me that we are abandoning the Kurds, it is the only thing we can do at this point, as Turkey, a NATO "ally", was going to invade whether we were there or not. And the choice was clear - pull out, or go to war with a NATO member, which would virtually undo NATO altogether, as all other NATO countries would be forced, by treaty, to go to war with the U.S. for attacking a NATO member - which is the ultimate dream of Vladimir Putin and Iranian leaders. 

So, to those pundits, the media, the generals and the politicians that think Trump had made a huge blunder, I say they need a reality check, and they should extrapolate it out to its logical conclusion. And then either support Trump's decision, or just shut up.


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