Saturday, December 19, 2009


I have received many letters from folks who are confused as to why the Democrats seem so insistent on shooting themselves in the foot, and ruining their chances for re-election. So, I will try to explain two important points that most folks are overlooking.

1) Unlike Republicans and conservatives, who want to lead the country as it has been led, as a Republic, for over 200 years, the liberals that have taken over the Democrat party have an agenda. That agenda is to create a more socialist society of huge government, where the people serve the government. It is a radical change, and such change requires waging war on the existing structure. They are aware that in order for their movement to gain a foothold, some will have to martyr themselves. they simply do not care if they lose their individual seats, as long as they can open the door to their movement. They are not unlike the suicide bombers in the Middle East except they are too cowardly to actually give their lives for their cause. After all, once their agenda becomes reality, they know their party will take care of them after they lose their seats. None of them will be unemployed - they will be union leaders, lobbyists etc. Just look at the others who already lost their seats, like Tom Daschle, now a high-paid lobbyist (and they tried to appoint him to the Cabinet.)

2) Lest we forget and be distracted by their slight of hand, the next census is due in spring of 2010. And the administration has already planned to use his "community organizers" to do part of the census, and TO COUNT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. By counting the illegals, new congressional districts will be created, all of them Democrat. This means an almost guaranteed majority in the House for the foreseeable future, if they are allowed to pull it off with false registrations and counting illegals. Filling out false reports is not exactly new to them (refer to ACORN).

With these two important but overlooked points in mind, it is easy to see why the Democrats are not at all worried about what we, the people, want. They are not concerned with the 2010 election. They are simply concerned with hijacking the nation by whatever means necessary, and do it so quickly that no one can stop them, or even react until it is too late.

So, the next time your Democrat representative or senator blows you off with disdain, as they do with the "tea party" folks, you will know why. And we will have no one to blame but ourselves - after all, who put these clowns in office? And who keeps re-electing them?


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