Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Deaf To Reality

A couple weeks ago when Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson sold his vote on the health care bill, I immediately wrote that I did not believe he understands Nebraskans - that they would be insulted by his actions.

Today, a new Rasmussen poll shows only 17% of Nebraskans agree with Nelson. Here's a hint, Senator - in the history of the United States, NO ONE ever got elected with 17% of the vote. I suggest you dust off your resume, because you will not be sitting in the Senate next time around.

It is totally amazing that our politicians have become such elitists that they are completely deaf to the reality around them. Nelson voted for the health care bill even though Nebraskans are strongly opposed to it. And the rest of the Democrat Congress is shrugging off the "tea party" folks, thinking it isn't real. That is a HUGE mistake on their part, because it is very real. The polls show the tea party is favored well above either the Democrats or Republicans.

I started saying this in my blogs over two years ago, long before Glenn Beck and others jumped on the train: come election time, look on the ballot for the incumbents, then vote for the other person, regardless of party. If all of Congress is fired, the message will be loud and clear - that we, not them, hold the power, and they serve at our convenience. And the newly elected will notice that message, and realize if the old-time powerhouse Senators and Representatives can be fired, so can they if they do not do the bidding of the people.

Then we have a chance of regaining control of our out-of-control government.


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