Thursday, July 5, 2007

Git r dun

While Larry the Cable Guy may not appear to be the sharpest tool in the shed, his famous "Git r dun" phrase makes a sound point - success is determined by getting the job done.

But what if that "job" is too big? What if the task at hand is overwhelming? What to do?

As one wise man was fond of saying, it's a lot like eating a cow. If you try to just sit down and eat a cow, you will fail. But if you cut it up into burgers and steaks, and eat one each day, eventually you will eat that cow, eventually. And that is how successful people tackle great tasks - they break them up into bite-sized pieces.

Taken in small bites, each bite becomes a success, because it was so easy to do. One success leads to another as they build upon themselves, and give you a sense of accomplishment. And in the end, the task is completed.

This is true whether you are trying to "eat a cow", or build a vast fortune and empire.

And one last point to consider - plan backwards. If you want to get to a certain point, it is easier if you create your route by planning backwards. For example, let's say you want to have a million dollars in 5 years. In order to accomplish that, you need to know how much you must have in 4 years in order to have a million in 5 years. And you need to know how much you need in three years in order to be on schedule in four years, and so on. By planning backwards, you will find out how much you must earn today in order to have one million in 5 years. You now have a plan; a schedule. And it is in bite-sized pieces, which makes it easier to accomplish.

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