Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Is Good Food More Expensive?

Many people have noticed that good, healthful food that is truly organic and natural is more expensive than processed foods, which, in turn, are more expensive than "junk" foods. And, while it is true that good foods do tend to be about 15% more expensive, a reality check shows that these good foods are actually no more expensive in the long run? Why?

When a person eats good, nutritious fresh food, that person tends to be much healthier than the person who eats processed foods. This translates, on average, to health care savings of about $2000 per year. In other words, those who spend $2000 per year more to eat healthy foods would normally save $2000 per year on health care costs. Therefore, it would seem that eating well costs about the same as eating poorly.

There is another benefit, of course - healthier people tend to live longer (^.^)

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