Saturday, January 16, 2021

How To Win Elections in 2022


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We are living in troubled and dangerous times, made all the more dangerous by the left instituting a frontal assault on free speech, making if very difficult to oppose them and their narrative - which is, of course, the point. Which means we must try harder, and go "low tech", since they control most of the high tech. And here is a plan...

For the next two years the end game is to retake the House of Representatives, disabling the arm of government that writes bills with the intent of passing laws. At the same time we need to try and regain a majority in the Senate. By doing this, we would completely neuter the Biden administration. And while that seems like a tough hill to climb, it is far from insurmountable.

Some of the angrier people on the right are so ticked off at the Republicans in the GOP that they are calling to start a 3rd party. But that would be self-defeating - we only have two years, and we need half of that to run candidates. That leaves little time (and money) to build an effective, powerful infrastructure. And a third party means competing not with one powerful party, but against two. We would be dead in the water before we even get this tugboat away from the pier.

Here's the only viable option: we RETAKE the GOP, and remake it into the party that serves us, not the establishment. If we do our job well, we can do that rather easily, simply because we have the numbers - there are at least 75 million of us which represents the majority of Republicans in the country. And as the left continues their purge tactics, our numbers are sure to grow. The GOP has the infrastructure and mega-donors, but none of that will do them any good if they do not have We, the People to vote - we have the power. Therefore, our FIRST task is to display that power. To accomplish that, we must unify; work as a unit. We need to find and elevate "generals", people who can pull our movement together, quickly. This, then, is the first and most important task.

Once we have unified, much like the Tea Party did but with a lot more people, we would put the GOP on notice that the power is ours, not theirs, as we have the numbers. Roughly 31% of Americans are Republican, 33% Democrat and 36% are Independents or "other". As of February 2020, there were roughly 45.7 million registered Democrats, 33.3 million Republicans, 33.5 million Independents, 600,000 Libertarians and a handful of Green and other parties. So, what does that tell us?

A strong majority of Independents end up voting Republican as do the majority of Libertarians and the 100,000+ Constitutionalists. Those people are more closely tied to Republican ideals, but chose to separate because thev GOP has failed them. It is safe to assume that, with the right message and presenting it in a convincing and memorable manner, we could amass a majority of voters nationwide.

While we would work to spread our message far and wide, there are specific seats we should set our sights on for 2022 - the most vulnerable seats now held by Democrats and some Republicans who empower the left. Thirty-six Democrat House seats are particularly vulnerable along with (6) vulnerable Democrat Senate seats up for grabs in 2022, all listed at the American Patriot Party website, here. Also listed in that site are the names of "RINO's" that need to be primaried.

As soon as possible upon organizing in a unified movement, we need to identify patriots who, like Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan (who won 49 states), are populists and constitutionalists, and then strongarm the GOP to embrace them. They will have little choice since we would be financially supporting each candidates' individual campaign, and not contributing to the GOP. For example, Virginia Republicans would contribute directly to the individual campaigns of Virginia candidates. If the GOP wants money from us, they would need to support OUR candidates. In this manner we retake and reshape the GOP to our standards, and eliminate RINO's.

Even before we choose and support candidates (which we have vetted extremely well) we need to build a policy platform and form the messages we will be putting forth. It is critical that the platform be simple and attractive to the majority of the general population - ideally it would be a platform that 80% of the country would find appealing.  The "messages" that sell the platform would be tailored independently for each candidate based on the needs and desires of their specific constituents - voters in farm country would have different needs and desires than people in industrial areas, for example. We are talking salesmanship, folks! That is how messages get sold.

We cannot be all things to all people, but we CAN be MOST things to MOST people. In fact, it is conceivable that we can "borrow" portions of the Democrat platform that can be remodeled and reshaped to conservative standards which would take fuel away from Democrat candidates.

As an example, take health care. Democrats beat us up on that subject not because they have a better plan, but because we don't even have a plan. We could add health care to our platform and sell a better plan - instead of a "one size fits all" government health plan, we could offer several individual plans that, combined, fix the system, as Donald Trump started to do with lower drug costs and price transparency. His mistake was that he did not message it well, and the media did not tell people. We should have a policy plan to reduce the cost of medical insurance by capping lawsuits for medical errors; a plan that reduces health care needs by promoting and subsidizing certain industries such as fitness centers, and rebates on fitness equipment. A plan to defeat unhealthy lifestyle choices by increasing costs of junk foods and applying that extra money to lower costs of healthy whole foods. And another plan to reduce the revolving door of referrals and excessive testing currently mandated to reduce lawsuits and pump up profits. In this manner we can come up with a combination of mini-plans that, together, make health care not only more affordable, but also make the population healthier, requiring less health care. You can find a series of these health care ideas here...

In short, we need a platform designed to attract the greatest number of voters, which means co-opting parts of the Democrat platform in ways that change the narrative, providing different and better solutions than socialism offers. We can get lousy healthcare via government control, or great health care via the free market and ingenuity.

We can do the same with other parts of the Democrat platform such as education by creating a message that convinces people that school choice will provide their kids with better education (feature) that results in greater success in life (benefit).

Now that we have a coalition with good leaders and have begun the search for great candidates, we need to enlist people experienced in advertising to help craft our messages for each platform policy - how to sell it to the greatest number of people. For the most part the Republican party has tried to succeed by stating facts and logic because conservatives are "left brain" thinkers while liberals tend to be "right brain" thinkers (emotion and sensory stimulation). Jesus, Aesop and Ronnie Reagan all understood that you simply cannot win people over with facts or logic because as the best salesmen know, people do NOT buy "features". They buy "benefits" that arise from those features. If you want to sell more steaks, throw one on the grill and let people smell it. Instead of trying to sell the steak, sell the SIZZLE.

People do not react to mere facts or features. They react to sensory input (the smell of fresh-baked brownies, the sound of patriotic music) and respond to their emotions which is why Democrats beat us to death - they sell the imagery (pushing granny over a cliff) and whip up emotions. We have to get great salesmen to craft such messages for us. After all, you cannot win over a person by preaching to them - you must first gain their attention by entertaining them, then use the entertaining message to point out the truth in the message, like the parables of Jesus and Aesop, or the humorous stories of Reagan. Those are the messages people react to and remember - and they vote accordingly.

Think about it - do you remember the facts and logic that republicans have used to sell health care? Probably not. Yet you likely recall the simple Democrat ad of a Republican pushing granny over a cliff. Therein lies the difference between winning and losing. We need to sell our platform with messages that are entertaining, funny and memorable. Appeal to people's emotions and sensory perceptions. To this last point, we should make it a point to highlight that all the violence, loss of businesses and income was at the hands of people on the left, and we will reverse that and restore peace in the land. Play on those emotions to win over non-socialist democrats and independents, showing how Republicans will restore law, order, stability, fairness, family.

This, then, is how we win:
1. Coalesce, become a single, unified army and enlist good leaders, "generals" to lead the way
2. Create a solid platform that appeals the at least 80% of the public to a large degree
3. Create messages that concentrate on law and order for safety; economics, liberty, independence and power to the people to drive the policies home
 4. As the new driving force of the party we convince the GOP through strength of numbers, great platform and super messaging  to restructure or get out of our way
5. Choose and support great candidates that are charismatic and smart, like Reagan & Trump

If we stick to such a plan, we will retake the House and Senate in 2022, and stifle the socialist agenda of the Biden administration. We can then concentrate on 2024, and the new "great reset" will be a strong, independent nation as a beacon to the world instead of the reset planned by the destructive "Illuminati" globalists that want everything for themselves.

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