Friday, September 11, 2020

Real Estate 101 - Finding an Affordable Mentor


If there is one thing that can sabotage a career in real estate investing from the start, it is fear of failure coupled with analysis paralysis. The simple fact that real estate concerns such large amounts of money is enough to intimidate many would-be investors. But there is a simple cure that removes most, if not all the roadblocks to learning this craft and pave the way to a very profitable vocation.

A qualified real estate mentor or coach can help you in every aspect of buying, selling, and flipping. Whether it is how to locate a target property, how to negotiate a deal, putting together good offers and even how to finance and close a transaction - even if you have no cash or credit - an experienced mentor can get you through from start to finish. For most "newbies", a good mentor can make the difference between success and failure.

This raises a few questions, such as where or how to find a mentor and what you can expect to pay for their expertise, as well as what you need to look out for.


Your first thought might be to team up with an experienced mentor that is local to you. In most instances, that is a poor choice for the simple reason that most investors will not properly or completely train their future competitor. That would be like cutting their own throat. And in cases where a local mentor is enlisted, the mentor is more interested in USING the newbie to further his own goals.

You might ask how can a mentor who is not from your area help you. First, understand that the methods of investing do not change from one geographic area to another. A qualified mentor can easily "hold the hand" of a newbie 3,000 miles away, especially now that we have the internet and better, instant access to communication.

Let's assume you have located a mentor - the next step is to determine his or her qualifications. Can the mentor provide evidence of properties bought and/or sold in the last few years? How many other newbies has the mentor trained? How many of the 22 methods is the mentor experienced in? Upon discovery of their qualifications, you must then consider...


If you have ever considered investing in real estate you have probably checked out some of the courses offered by one or more "infomercial gurus" like Armando Montelongo, Ron LeGrand or Than Merrill's FortuneBuilders. After checking out the cost involved, you likely gave up on the idea of becoming a real estate investor, since most of those gurus charge anywhere from $5,000 to $35,000 or more. But do not be so hasty in abandoning your dreams...

What if I were to tell you that it is possible to enlist the services of a professional investor with at least 25 years experience in the field, and that you can have nearly unlimited access to that mentor at a one-time cost of less than $100 (they operate on a not-for-profit basis)? And what if I told you that the cost includes everything else you would need - a complete course detailing all 22 methods of real estate investing, produced by a professional investor with over 50 years of experience; software that creates all the contracts as needed and much, much more? Would you be interested?


You can check it out for yourself, risk free and without obligation at And with the mass migration going on these days with people fleeing the cities suffering civil unrest, there has never been a better time to get started.

Do yourself a favor and give it a look - they have provided their course and mentoring to over 316,000 students over the last 30+ years. They have a track record you can trust, at a price anyone can afford.




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