Saturday, August 29, 2020

Your Greatest Life Begins Here...



You may think this post is about making money from real estate investing, but that is just the chosen topic used to show how to succeed in ANYTHING you pursue, whether a career like real estate, relationships, or any other aspect of your "greatest life".  Whatever your endeavor, I will show you how to achieve it and it won't cost you a cent. We begin by understanding the progression - how to get from point A to point B. We will choose investing as an example of something you might pursue, but it can literally be anything.

Real estate investing does not begin with a seminar, boot camp, or even a real estate course. It begins before that. It begins with proper preparation of self; building on negotiation skills, because every transaction is a negotiation, and making important connections, because successful investing - life itself -  is not a one-person sport - it requires bringing people together, and working with them. But even before that, it requires a "special" attitude.

I have been investing successfully in real estate for over a half century, and I created "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate" training course,  and I can tell you that success is not guaranteed simply by knowing the mechanics of methods and strategies. Yes, those are crucial, but they are also not worth much if the would-be investor is not properly prepared.

Like any other career, success is best achieved when the individual has DESIGNED his or her success with purpose. For example, before a doctor practices medicine, he or she must first learn Latin and take other courses that may seem irrelevant for using a scalpel, and then he/she must intern. While real estate investing is not brain surgery, it does require an understanding of personal "success traits" that must be honed. It's not at all difficult, but necessary to super-charge your success.

And that's where the free eBook, "Success - by Design" comes in. And it really is free - you don't have to sign in, sign up, or even provide your name or email. And while it is not the "be all or do all" tome for self-actualization, I guarantee if you read it, learn it and live it you will be more likely to succeed in every aspect of life - work, family, romance - and yes, real estate investing.

Downloaded over 4,200,000 times, I have never asked readers to pay anything for it. All I have ever asked is that, if you find any value in it, that you pass it along to everyone you care about - relatives, friends, associates, FaceBook or Twitter followers - because most people can receive benefit from it.

"Success - by Design" will be invaluable to you in creating your "Greatest Life." Download it here...


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