Friday, April 24, 2020

Why NOW is the Time to Learn Real Estate Investing



Throughout human history, times of trial and strife have always been the most fertile ground upon which to grow wealth - there are two sides to everything. The flip side of "crisis" is "opportunity". Ask anyone who owns a pawn shop - they thrive off the small personal crises of people by taking advantage of their need for immediate cash, then reselling those items at full value.

What is true for any small, personal crisis is even more true for life's greater upheavals. The current pandemic and civil unrest has all but destroyed the American economy. Many will lose much, if not all of what they have spent their lives trying to build. And while that is exceedingly sad, it also presents much opportunity for those who are prepared to take advantage of it. SOMEONE will - it may as well be you! And it won't take a big bank account or great credit, either. There are simple yet powerful methods most investors never learned because they are not taught by the likes of Than Merrill, Armando Montelongo, or Ron Legrand, and they do not require either cash or credit.


[Some may claim that people who take advantage of the misfortune of others is a "shark". But that is not necessarily the case. SOMEONE will take the opportunity if not you. While there are greedy people in every profession, there are also those who make every effort to be fair with everyone. I have personally trained thousands of new investors, and the first thing I attempt to drill into them is to always strive for a win-win situation. The investor who does so may earn less on each individual transaction, but the reputation he earns will result in more transactions and a very long career.]


And as of now, real estate is super hot as people flee the cities that suffer from draconian restrictions, riots, rampant crime and freedom-robbing mandates. While the reason behind this market are not good, it does not change the fact that a LOT of money is to be made in real estate before this crisis ends.

To begin to prepare yourself to be in the perfect position to benefit from this crisis, first realize that most great wealth has always been created from real estate - that is where the money is, and always has been. Much of America's wealth is tied up in real estate, and there will be a lot of it that will be changing hands due to the desperation of those who were ill-prepared to survive such a crisis as we now find ourselves in. So it stands to reason that by the end of this crisis, those who knew how to profit from real estate will be the ones who become very, very wealthy.

And before you say, "But I'm broke. I certainly am not in any position to take advantage of that," I will tell you with certainty that you are - or, at least can be. You can learn the "no cash, no credit" methods used by investors since the time of Moses, yet rarely used in more recent times because the rich do not need those methods, and the poor were never taught.

As the title of this piece suggests, this is the perfect time to prepare to make a lot of money from the coming resurgence by using this time to learn how. While it does not require cash or even credit, it does require know-how.

"The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate" investing program was developed expressly to teach people without access to a lot of cash or credit to successfully invest in real estate. The program has been used by over 316,000 people in 19 countries over the past 34 years. Developed by the investor who was first to teach "flipping", long before any infomercial guru made late-night TV, and the man who in 1985 developed the method that HUD used as the basis for the "reverse mortgage" in 1987, the program includes everything needed to invest in real estate regardless of your current situation.

If you learn nothing else, understand this - wealth does not come from having money. It comes from having the knowledge that provides the money. If you doubt that, research the fate of ordinary folks who hit the lottery. In almost every case they were broke - usually even worse off - within 5 years. Why? Because although they had money, they did not have the knowledge necessary to replenish what they were spending or to make it grow.

Knowledge! Knowing HOW to create wealth, often out of thin air. That is what every wealthy person has that you likely do not.

There has never been a better time to gain that know-how. And such a time may not come again in your lifetime. The future belongs to those who prepare for it. Will that be you? Or will you leave it to others...

The very least you can do for yourself and your loved ones is to check it out - it costs nothing to look it over. And should you decide you want in on the bright future ahead, the entire program, which includes free mentoring, is available for under $150 complete, as it is offered on a not-for-profit basis and the investors who provide the free mentoring are all volunteers.

Today, this moment in time, you have a choice. There has never been a better time to choose to learn something that can change your life. What will YOU do with this moment?

[Bill Vaughn has been an investor in real estate for over 50 years and developed "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate" investing program. He has personally mentored hundreds of investors and authored several books on real estate and success, including "Success-by Design" which is a free eBook downloaded over 4 million times]


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