Monday, May 2, 2011

I Hope bin Laden Is Dead --- But There Are Questions...

The news came out yesterday that Usama bin Laden had been killed, and the U.S. had possession of the body. Great news, at first blush. Except for all the questions...

Questions such as:

No one kills someone like bin Laden without taking miles of videos and scads of pictures. Yet, there seem to be none at all. In fact, Associated Press posted a photo of bin Laden's "dead body" on their website Sunday evening, then pulled that photo from their website Monday morning because it appears to have been a fake.

Bin Laden is buried at sea, almost immediately. I understand fully why they would do that, but certainly not before collecting photographic or other proof of his dead body.

I do not generally subscribe to "conspiracy theories", but I gotta tell ya, so far, this stinks. They took and published pictures of Saddam's sons when they were killed. And they kept the bodies for days.

As I see it, one of three things can be at work here:

1) Bin Laden is dead and the U.S. military and CIA are so stupid and incompetent that they forgot to take pics and video, or

2) Bin Laden is dead, but the White House purposely wants to start a new "conspiracy theory" to replace the "birther" issue, so the administration can make doubters look paranoid and dumb. Then, just before election, they would produce proof positive, which would successfully harm the doubting Thomases at a critical time

3) This is a scam, to get Obama's sinking numbers up and help get him  re-elected. Chicago thug politics.

I am currently withholding judgement. But I would like some proof - other than the government's word - that bin Laden is really dead.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only reason I can see the Obama administration withholding pictures/video is to not incite the terrorists further. His killing is enough to do so I understand. But pictures/videos would be the preverbal salt in the wound that might embolden even more terrorists.