Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Taking All Bets

It's official - the liberal state of Oregon has just voted to increase taxes on the wealthy and on businesses. So I predict Oregon will be the next in a line of liberal states to go bust.

When California pulled this stupidity, businesses moved to Nevada and Arizona, and the state lost far more in taxes and jobs than it could have ever gained by taxing the businesses. Recently, New York city has tried this - and we have seen a mass exodus of wealthy and of businesses heading to greener pastures.

Liberals just don't get it - businesses, and people with money, are the ONLY ones that can provide jobs, wealth and a strong economy. So they are the Golden Goose that lays the golden eggs. So what does a liberal do? He cooks the goose, then wonders why the eggs have stopped coming.

There are a lot of smart Democrats, but there is not a single intelligent liberal. Yes, they may have a decent IQ, and maybe they even went to college, but they have ZERO common sense and have no clue how economies work. None. And there is a scientific reason for that - liberals think with the right side of the brain, which is not analytical - it is creative, or "artsy". Conservatives are left brain oriented, and better suited to analytical thought.

If you look at the most bankrupt states and cities, almost every one has been run into the ground by liberals.

Being liberal, or "progressive" is not conducive to success. In fact, the two are diametrically opposed.


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