Friday, July 1, 2011

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Minnesota state government has shut down. Sonya Mills, a 39-year-old mother of eight faces the loss of about $3,600 a month in state child care subsidies.

Her six youngest range in age from 3 through 14.

So here is my question - why is a 39 year old woman, who has eight children and was still having kids at age 36 - why are taxpayers giving her $40,000 each year to support her kids? I know a lot of hard-working families that earn less, but manage to support their own.

An 18 year old who has a kid out of wedlock can be chalked up to a mistake of youth. But any woman who has 8 kids by age 36 - well, that is not a "mistake".

It appears taxpayers may be paying this woman to sleep around and have kids. It seems she gets pregnant just to collect more money from the "suckers' - the taxpayers.

Here's an idea - when a person has a child they cannot support, and they seek public assistance, they should be told they cannot have any more kids until they are able to support them. If they do have more, and cannot support them, they should have their children taken away. If we are going to have to support the children, we should not be required to support the person who stuck us with dependents and the bill for their needs. If the woman will not benefit, maybe she will keep her legs crossed.

Frankly, our penchant for giving undeserving people a free ride has got to stop. I believe in helping those who CANNOT help themselves. But I draw the line at helping those who WILL NOT help themselves.


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