Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Biggest Problem With The Gang Of 6 Plan...

OK, so the Senate's "Gang of 6" came up with a plan. Sounds pretty decent at first blush - until you take the time to realize some things.

For example, only 50% of American workers pay any taxes at all - the other 50% get a free ride. So, when the gang of 6 says they will eliminate deductions, that only hurts the 50% who are already paying taxes - they will now pay more. The other 50% of Americans STILL get a free ride.

Personally, I believe EVERY American should be required to have skin in the game. If they do not, then they have no problem when taxes are raised, and will vote for every conceivable entitlement. Why not? They aren't paying for them!

Everyone should pay something, even if it's only $2 per week for the poor, and at least 5% for everyone else who is currently getting a free ride. If we were to do that, it would be more fair to everyone, would insure more people will want fiscal responsibility from Washington, and would wipe out our debt in just a few years.

But Democrats want people who earn $250,000 to pay even more taxes, while allowing people who make $45,000 to go scott free, without any tax burden at all. Why should ANYONE who is capable of supporting themselves get a free ride?

But then, politicians are not concerned with the good of the nation as much as they are concerned with getting re-elected. If Congressmen were limited to one term, that would not happen, because re-election would not even be an issue. Maybe then we would have a government we could be proud of.


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