Friday, July 22, 2011

Obama Did Not Act In Good Faith - Boehner Walks Out...

All the liberal media are telling the same half-truth this evening - that Boehner walked out of talks with Obama on the debt crisis. What they are NOT saying is the real story.

Obama had already agreed to limiting tax increases to $800 billion. At the last minute, the president intentionally sabotaged the talks by insisting on adding yet another $400 billion in tax increases. After he had already agreed to only $800 billion. The president knew Boehner would not accept that. He was right.

And Boehner decided it was fruitless to try negotiating with someone who was not acting in good faith, so he walked out.

Boehner will now carve out some sort of deal with the Senate. A bill will then hit Obama's desk, and whether Obama likes it or not, he will have to sign it, or take full responsibility for the default.

Mr. Obama, it would be wise to set aside your partisan politicking long enough to do what is best for the nation. If you refuse to act in good faith, don't expect others to eat at your table.


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