Tuesday, July 26, 2011

More fear tactics from a dishonest President...

In the president's speech last evening he once again resorted to unfounded fear tactics. It seems he and other Democrats cannot tell the truth about "defaulting on our debt."

It will not happen, and Obama knows it. There is ZERO chance, even if no debt deal is struck. No matter what happens, our debts will be paid, and here is why...

Each month the Treasury takes in roughly $200+ billion. From that, we can pay the interest on our debt, the military, Social Security and Medicare - and still have $40 billion left over. Granted, $40 billion will not pay everything else. But the point is, the ONLY way we can default is to not pay the interest on the debt - and the funding for that is guaranteed. So, we will not default.

Yes, there are many government services that will grind to a halt. But the major items will get paid. Period.

So, Democrats, for the sake of honesty, stop crying "default." Stop scaring people into thinking the entire government will grind to a halt. Ain't gonna happen.

And Obama knows it. So, his use of the threat of default is not only groundless, but blatantly dishonest.

Also in his speech Obama stated "Some are not paying their fair share", referencing America's "wealthy" citizens. But the simple fact is that the wealthy already pay the lion's share. The people who are NOT paying a fair share are the 50% of Americans who pay NOTHING in taxes - or worse, get refunds in excess of what they paid in. I paid over $28,000 in taxes. My neighbor brags about getting back over $1,300 more than he paid in. How can any sane and honest person say that is fair? It is as unfair as anything gets. He gets all the same benefits of citizenship, but pays nothing for them while I pay through the nose. Just because he earns less, or has more children should not get him a free ride. I do not expect him to pay what I pay in dollars, but I do expect him to pay the same percentage, or at least SOME percentage. And I certainly do not believe anyone should ever get back more than they paid in - that is nothing more than sticking his hand in my pocket. And where I come from, that is called thievery.

Those "50% who pay nothing" have the same use of our highways, hospitals, schools. They end up collecting Social Security and Medicare. They have ALL the same benefits as those who pick up the tab, and regardless of the upside-down hype and fuzzy math of Democrats, that is NOT fair, in any sense of the word. EVERY American should have to contribute at least a minimal percentage of income, no exceptions.

I take exception to the fact that I am forced to pay the freight for some child-molesting drug dealer simply because his illegal drug income goes unreported, so he "qualifies" for all the government goodies at my expense. I find it more than just insulting that money is automatically taken away from the support of my family in order to pay for exhorbitant early pensions of government employees.

No, Mr. President, it is time for you to stop the fear-mongering. It is time for you to tell the truth. And it is time for you to hoist up your britches and be the president of ALL Americans, and not just the unions, the poor and the far-left.


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