Tuesday, July 26, 2011

America - Land Of the Free (not by a long shot)...

When the founders pieced this country into a nation, the idea was that America would be a land where people would be free of government interference. The government was granted eight specific powers, none of which would take away anyone's liberties.

Look around - do you really believe that is true today?

If you want to build an addition on your home, you need to get a permit. And if your home is zoned in certain ways, you simply will not be allowed to add that extra bedroom or sunroom.

The government took away our efficient toilets - we cannot buy a toilet in America that flushes very well, because the government decided any toilet that uses more than 6 drops of water to flush is just too wasteful.

The government is now taking away our right to adequate lighting - incandescent bulbs will be banned next year, in favor of dangerous mercury-filled bulbs designed to make General Electric richer, as well as China, where EVERY fluorescent squiggly bulb is made (note: G.E. paid no taxes on last year's earnings, either, because they exported jobs to China).

The government has now ordered all Americans to buy a product (health insurance) because it is necessary to "even out" medical costs. So what else can they now order us to buy for the good of the nation? GM cars, because we have so much bailout money at stake? Or maybe they will force us to all buy U.S. Savings Bonds, to help America pay its debt.

And Boeing was building a new plant in South Carolina, designed to hire thousands of people. But the government is suing them for doing that, trying to get them to build ONLY in a state that allows unions. You see, South Carolina is a "right to work" state, and the current government is so dependent upon union support that they will do anything to help unions - even if it means violatuing the Constitution and interfering in private concerns and states' rights.

Little girls had their lemonade stands shut down in several communities across the nation because they did not pay a $500 permit or some other dumb, unconstitutional excuse. And a man in Georgia was fined for GIVING AWAY produce that he grew - it seems the community commercial farmers objected and had unconstitutional laws passed to prevent others from cutting into their profits.

And then the man who was fined for hoisting a banner of American flags for his business, and the homeowner who was fined and ordered to take down his American flag because it was too big. And the homeowner who was told to remove the baby Jesus from his holiday creche.

And a CANADIAN oil company is illegally using "eminent domain" against American citizens. Worse yet, our illustrious Supreme Court decided, illegally, to change the Constitution to say government can use eminent domain for the public BENEFIT, rather than for public USE.

I can cite at least a thousand such instances where various levels of government have illegally stripped us of our God-given liberties. But you get the point, I hope.

So here is the point --- unless each of us grows a set and has the courage to stand up and say "STOP", it will continue, and soon we will have no freedoms left. We need to elect peiople in local, state and federal governments who pledge to roll back these illegal abuses against our liberties. For example, on the local level zoning board members should be forced to limit zoning requirements to things that actually, and substantially affect the general health and welfare of a community. If my planned sunroom is built to code, and will not substantially harm the community at large, then I should be able to build it.

Freedom is not free, folks. Never has been. It must be fought for, constantly. The only problem with America is that too many of us have been spoiled by the good life, and are not interested in fighting for anything. And government counts on such apathy to grow into a monster that will devour us.


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