Saturday, March 5, 2011

AP Warps Another Story...

Today the AP released a "story" about how public media NPR and PBS are slated to spend millions for new "investigative journalists", and that is why we need to continue the taxpayer funding of public media.

However, the most crucial part of the story somehow got conveniently neglected. The "millions for investigative journalists" was given to NPR last fall by none other than George Soros.

For those who are not as well-informed as they should be, George Soros is one of the wealthiest men in the world. He is a self-proclaimed socialist and funds almost every socialist organization in the world. That is all a matter of public record.

Considering the left-wing bent and bias of AP I am not surprised they would "forget" to mention that. But I'm here to tell you that anything Goeorge Soros pays for, he expects to be rewarded in pushing his agenda of socialism. If he pays for "investigative journalists", the only thing they will investigate is conservatives and others who get in his way. These are the same type of journalist who spent millions of dollars and thousands of hours digging up minor dirt on Sarah Palin, but did not see fit to spend a dime or take 5 minutes to investigate Obama's 20 years in Reverend Wright's church, or his study of Saul Alinski. And they never spent a moment looking into any of Harry Reid's shady deals, or Charlie Rangel's illicit activities. They never investigated Tim Geithner's income tax evasion, or that of Tm Daschle. But they wasted a ton of money and man-hours trying to dig up dirt on the Tea Party.

And AP thinks taxpayers should fund such bias and a socialist agenda.

I don't think so.


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