Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Claiming tolerance, AGAIN they prove their intolerance...

So, Bentley, the new governor of Alabama told the crowd, "If you are a non-Christian, you are not my brother, you are not my sister."

And judging from the screams from the left and non-Christians, you would think he had just committed a heinous crime. A spokesperson for a non-Christian group stated that Bentley's words were "repulsive and showed intolerance."


Being a Christian, Bentley is familiar with the Book of Matthew. The last few verses of Matthew 12 are as follows:

"46 While Jesus was still talking to the people, his mother and brothers stood outside. They wanted to talk to him.

47 Someone told him, `Your mother and your brothers are standing outside. They want to talk to you.'

48 But to the man who told him, he said, `Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?'

49 He pointed to his disciples and said, `These people are my mother and my brothers!

50 Anyone who obeys my Father in heaven is my brother, my sister, and my mother.'

In other words, Bentley was reciting the very words of Jesus. So, when non-Christians say the words of Bentley were "repulsive and show intolerance," they were saying the words of Jesus are "repulsive and show intolerance." So, just WHO is being repulsive and intolerant?

Seems to me that too many folks have no clue what "tolerance" is. Tolerance is letting people believe what they choose, without recrimination. The non-Christians who feel Bentley's (and Jesus') words are "repulsive" are being as intolerant as can be. Had Bentley insulted the words of another religion, THAT would have shown intolerance. But that is not what Bentley did. But it IS what the non-Christian groups - and the lamestream media - did.

At no time did Bentley express acrimony toward any other religion, or even atheism. So it appears Bentley was the one who showed tolerance. And his critics show their own intolerance.


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