Saturday, May 19, 2007

Healthful Eating

In my quest to outlive my children's inheritance, I have spent years studying all the "studies" on what is good for you, and what isn't. And I must say, the only thing I learned is that all those studies are worthless. One says eggs will kill you. Another says eggs are a "superfood". One says tomatoes will prevent cancer. Another says tomatoes can cause serious gastric troubles. Butter is bad. Butter is good. Meat is essential. A vegetarian diet is healthier. In short, each study is put out by someone with an agenda.

So, where to turn? That's as easy as understanding who and what we are. Look to nature, because we are, after all creatures of nature. Frankly, we are nothing more than cavemen with SUV's and Blackberries. So, if we know what was a natural, healthful diet for our erstwhile ancestors, we'll have a good idea of what is good for us today.

In nature, man is an omnivore - both a plant-eater and meat-eater. The proof lies in our physiology. We have molars, for grinding (like herbivor/vegetarians), and canine teeth for ripping and tearing flesh. So, nature dictates that our optimum health relies upon both meats and plants as food sources. Our physiology also requires complex amino acids, many of which are very difficult to get from a strictly vegetarian diet.

Now, science indicates that early Man was a forager - he had few, if any, tools and weapons. But what he did have was some intellect. As such, it is likely that his diet consisted mainly of fruits, vegetables, roots, berries, seeds (whole grains) and nuts, with smaller, periodic portions of fish and red meats (as they were more difficult to come by, and usually had to be shared among the entire family unit).

Most of these foods contain their own fats, but those fats are good, dietary fats, and not the chemical poisons that are found on supermarket shelves. And early foods were free of pesticides, growth hormones and antibiotics.

This leaves us with an ideal, natural diet that, when coupled with ordinary, moderate exercise, would keep us out of the clutches of the drug companies. My diet consists of organic, natural foods, fresh or frozen (nothing in a can), including (for meats) natural beef, chicken, pork, turkey and wild, cold-water fish, and (for plants) whole grains, fruits, veggies, berries, and nuts.

It is also recommended that our diet is balanced - "forage foods" such as plants, nuts, berries etc. should constitute about 80-85% of our diet. Meats should be in small portions, perhaps 2-3 times per week, with fish at least 1-2 times per week.

Finally, we should eat the way our ancestors ate - small meals throughout the day, rather than three big meals a day. Why? The "three squares a day" routine raises Hell with our blood sugar levels, which can - and often does - result in obesity and diabetes. Our sugar is either peaking, or petering out. And "fasting" for several hours between meals causes you to eat too much when you finally do get to stuff your gullet. But if you "graze" throughout the day, as early foragers were forced to, your blood suger levels are going to remain relatively stable, resulting in better health. Also, your body can only use just so much fuel at any given time. Large meals mean some of that food is going into storage, folks! Spreading hips, waist and thighs are the result, especially as we grow older and exercise less.

Well, it works for my family!

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