Sunday, April 29, 2007

Cutting Credit Card Interest Rates

Did you know that the interest rate you pay on credit cards is often negotiable? We all know that credit card rates are much higher than they should be, but you may be able to get those rates cut by as much as 1/3.

If your payment history with that card has been good, you should call the issuer and state that your payment history warrants a lower rate, and simply ask to have your rate reduced. Often, that is all you need to do. But in some cases, the person you are speaking with may give you the run-around. If that happens, ask to speak with his supervisor.

When the supervisor gets on the phone, ask him/her the same thing. If the supervisor balks, just tell him that you could simply close your account with them, moving your debt to another card. Then all you need to do is wait for his card company to send you a new low-interest offer in the mail, trying to get you back - they always do. So, why not just save all that lost time and money, and just give you that lower rate now.

While this does not always work, if your credit is decent, they will not want to risk losing you as a customer and may very well lower your rate, saving you a substantial amount of money.

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