Friday, February 12, 2021

The "Great Reset" - Are You and Your Family At Risk?


Anyone who is not financially secure within the next 2-4 years is apt to find themselves in a very, very bad place as the globalist elite make their final push to their New World Order - the "Great Reset."

You may not believe that is possible, but history is replete with instances where tyrants gained control and destroyed even the strongest civilizations in their quest for domination. It is a fact of life - power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Today, in liberal, blue states and cities we can see examples of how it begins.

Look at the places where dictatorial mayors and governors have shuttered small businesses and crippled their cities and states. Those who already had financial independence are relatively safe and unaffected. But everyone else suffers terribly, even to the point of suicide. If ever there was a time to become financially secure in order to survive, that time is now. Not next year, next month or even next week - NOW! Those who wait will suffer.

A lot of people will just give up, believing there is no avenue for them to achieve financial security, but such a belief is unfounded. There are ways for virtually anyone to create more wealth for themselves - all it takes are two things, neither of which requires a college degree nor a pile of cash:

1) desire, determination and a little effort, and
2) knowledge - knowing what the options are, and knowing how to make them work

So, just what are the best options for people who are limited by circumstances that, so far, have kept them from getting ahead? There are two options. One is risky -- buying into cryptocurrency or, as some are doing now, jumping on shorted stocks like many did with GameStop. Such methods are very volatile and while you can make big money, it can be lost just as quickly. And crypto plays into the hands of those same globalist elites that do NOT want your genes in their pool - the push for a cashless society. You would be feeding the very monster that is coming for you.

The other option that anyone can succeed with, and involves minimal risk is real estate. And before you say you cannot afford it, or that it is too complicated, or that it takes too long, know right now that it does not require cash, it need not be at all complicated and profits can be made in as little as two weeks. As long as you can take a few hours to learn how, and you have someone to mentor you, to take you by the hand and guide you, you can do this. There are many "gurus" who will help you do that - some good, others not so good. One of the most popular is FortuneBuilders by Than Merrill - but the cost for his "Mastery" program is roughly $35,000 - far beyond the means of most people.

On the other end of the spectrum we find "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate", a program that teaches all 24 methods of investing and provides everything necessary for success - including unlimited mentoring. The investor who created this program has over 50 years experience. And because it is offered on a non-profit basis and all the mentors (actual investors) are volunteers, they can offer the entire course for under $100 - well within the means of everyone.

Whatever route you take (or do not), the point remains the same - if you are not financially secure in the next couple of years, you may very well find yourself at the hard bottom and with no other options left.


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