Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Why Last Nights Debate Was Disappointing...

As I watched the Republican debate in New Hampshire last evening, I almost felt sick - it was a disgusting display.

The questions were downright stupid and had little or nothing to do with substance. For example, each candidate was asked a "this or that" question. SAMPLE: Pawlenty was asked if he preferred Coke or Pepsi.

Excuse me, but how is that relevant?

I so very much wanted to hear at least one of the candidates say, "If you wish to ask a question that pertains to why we are here, I'll gladly answer. But if you are going to waste everyone's time with your childish drivel, count me out."

And when a solid question was asked, the answers were always "canned" - no specifics or substance. Call me old-fashioned, but I would have liked to hear solutions - exactly how would they deal with these issues? Instead, we got the obvious sound bytes like, "Obama will be a one-term president."

Hey, politicians - Americans are sick and tired of hype and BS. We want to hear SOLUTIONS. If someone asks your thoughts on illegal immigration, we don't want to hear, "I will crack down." Instead, we want to hear HOW you would crack down.

So far, the only one putting out actual solutions is Gingrich. Too bad he is so GOP and not grass-roots conservative.

I hope future debates will actually be debates, and not just Q&A Bull Sessions with canned responses that mean nothing.


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