Friday, April 8, 2011

HuffPost/AOL strikes again...

Today on the AOL version of Huffington Post there was a very long story about the 14,000 missing votes in the wisconsin election for a supreme court justice. It appears that most of the "lost" votes were for the conservative justice, giving him a wide lead.

But 99% of the HuffPost story was written in such a way as to imply that the woman who "found" the votes is a "known partisan Republican", and implied voter fraud in favor of the Republican candidate.  But at the very end of the story was this one, small piece which appears to have been added as a minor afterthought, but tells the whole story - which is 180 degrees opposed to HuffPosts insinuations:

"Also at the press conference, Ramona Kitzinger, a Democratic member of the county board of canvass, agreed with Nickolaus [the Republican counter] and said they "went over everything and made sure that all the numbers jived up, and they did."

"I'm the Democratic vice chair of Waukesha County, so I'm not going to stand here and tell you something that's not true," Kitzinger said."

So, HuffPost/AOL spends 50 paragraphs trying to convince readers that the Republicans committed voter fraud and ends up with a short statement by the Democrats own vice chair that says the opposite.

The REAL story here is that HuffPost/AOL devoted 99% of their "story" to something they know is a complete fabrication, and that the truth was left unsaid until the last few words.

Nice going, HuffPost/AOL. Once again you flex your media muscle to fire up unsubstantiated rumors and cause a greater rift between fellow Americans, all for the singular purpose of pushing your liberal, socialist agenda. America is getting tired of people like you.


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