Thursday, December 9, 2010

Stimulus - but for WHO?

If you are anything like me, this will probably make the veins pop...

Harry Reid (D-NV), Senate Majority Leader has authored a bill to "stimulate" the economy in Texas with over $400 million taxpayer dollars to build a wind farm. First let me point out that Texas is not in financial trouble - they are one of the most prosperous states, having low taxes and small government. We do not need to be stimulating their economy.

But don't rush with your applause --- upon closer inspection, it gets worse. This $400 billion would not stimulate any part of the American economy, since the wind farm would be owned, operated and maintained by - CHINA!

So, exactly WHO are Harry Reid and other Democrats stimulating? Certainly not America, and apparently our international enemies.

Well, upon even closer examination we discover Sir Harry's reason - the Chinese have offered to build a manufacturing plant in Sir Harry's home state of Nevada. How very accommodating of our Senate Majority leader to be so considerate of the needs and wishes of America's enemies -- and all for the sake of getting reelected because he "brought business to Nevada." Who will he sell out next?

Does this man have no morals or scruples whatever? Any patriotism? Any concern at all for the taxpayer? Or even America? If he would sell out American taxpayers to China just so he could gather more votes, would he not sell out America altogether if it would benefit him?

But hey, what can we expect from a senator of a state where over 80% of all revenues comes from sin-related businesses like gambling and prostitution? I guess we should consider ourselves lucky he has not arranged for the sale of Las Vegas to China.


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